

Build an efficient, scalable and serverless circuit breaker using Lambdas and Step Functions

Tue, Dec 12, 2023
Combining the strength of AWS Serverless services and Infrastructure as Code using Terraform, implement an efficient Circuit Breaker using this module as a powerful quickstart.

Build a simple realtime speech to text using Amazon Transcribe

Mon, Oct 31, 2022
Learn how to build a realtime speech to text processing solution leveraging the awesome power of Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Step Functions and Amazon Lambda.

Treat Lambda Functions as Build Artifacts

Sat, Jul 2, 2022
AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) makes it simple to deploy Lambda Functions but what's actually happening behind the scene took me some time to understand. This article aims at clarifying all this.

AWS Resources Shouldn't Be Named

Wed, Feb 16, 2022
Naming conventions for resources is bad. Instead of providing value, teams fall into a quagmire of sterile rules whereas it gets much simpler when working smart.

Serverless Containers on AWS

Thu, Jan 20, 2022
Containers! Serverless! Buzzwords! Hit the ground running on serverless containers with Amazon ECS and Amazon Fargate using a well built CDK base sample.


Mon, Dec 27, 2021
Frequently asked questions about Rainmaking.Cloud.